Stakeholder processes and strategy designs

Raising mutual understanding, creating ownership and stimulating the systematic interplay between various actors throughout a region or sector – all require careful design and management of the process. Actors and stakeholder can differ not only by national or sectoral background but also through different cultural or educational backgrounds and resulting interests. Uniting them to support a common cause can be a complicated process. In order to bring you the information and the answers you need while creating the above conditions for active uptake, s.Pro specialises in the design and implementation of (multi-) stakeholder processes and strategies.

Tailored to the client’s needs, s.Pro offers:

  • Various types of stakeholder-driven consultation,
  • Comprehensive stakeholder identification and analysis,
  • Design of stakeholder engagement strategies,
  • A range of methods including desk research, online surveys, and individual interviews,
  • Preparation and moderation of interactive focus group meetings,
  • Structured, focused and result-oriented discussions as part of a stakeholder engagement process,
  • Our consultations lead to “ready-to-act” recommendations or action plans for concrete topics.


Balt Adapt Climate
Implementation strategy
Submariner Roadmap
MedCluster Study
BaltAdapt Action Plan


s.Pro is founding and managing partner of the SUBMARINER Network, which brings together an unlimited range of public and private actors from all Baltic Sea Region countries in order to promote and realise activities necessary for using marine resources innovatively and sustainably.